Monkeypox Vaccine Resources
Monkeypox is a virus that can be spread through close physical contact with someone who is already infected. It can lead to flu-like symptoms and potentially very painful lesions. Monkeypox is not classified as a sexually transmitted disease – it is transmitted through any skin-to-skin contact. While it is a virus that impacts all humans, due to various factors, this current outbreak happens to be spreading most rapidly amongst men who have sex with men (MSM).
Thankfully, there is a monkeypox vaccine available for those who qualify; and medication is becoming more available this week. Some of the qualification requirements and scarce resources are due to a systemic lack of preparedness and societal will to put appropriate resources into caring for a marginalized community. Hopefully, more resources will be available soon.
As a sex therapist, I am keenly aware that almost all sexual encounters involve a balance of safety and pleasure. Getting the monkeypox vaccine is one way that we can increase our sexual safety within the queer community. In the face of all-too-familiar stigmatizing and moralizing of queer sexuality, it’s wonderful to see the ways in which our community is coming together once again to fight for our right to safer sex. To do my part, I want to provide some resources:
NC Monkeypox Vaccine Location List
Forsyth County Public Health Info | Number to schedule vaccine: 336-703-3100
Excellent Science Vs podcast episode on Monkeypox